
Planning an Event?

How does Our-Venue.co.uk work?

magnifying glass icon, representing finding a venue

Find the perfect venue

calendar icon, representing planning your event

Build your event online

PDF icon, representing getting an instant quote

Get a quote instantly

Every venue on Our-Venue.co.uk allows you to build your entire event online. With our easy-to-use, step-by-step online app you'll be able to customise your event to your exact needs. And the best part is, once you've built your event you'll receive an instant quote. Planning your next event has never been this convenient.

Frequently asked questions

What is Our-Venue.co.uk?

Our-Venue.co.uk is a collection of online apps that you can use to plan your event. Each app is customised for the venue you are interacting with, so you can rest assured that everything is accurate. Plan every detail and get instant quotes on the fly.

Do I have to pay to use these apps?

Not at all. Each app is entirely free to use. You can try as many venues as you want, create as many events as you want, and download as many quotes as you want without paying a cent.

What types of events can I plan?

It varies depending on the venue you choose. Some of them only offer weddings, others offer event types like conferences, events, and teambuilding. Most of our apps allow you to build a variety of different events types.

I want to change something on my quote. How do I do this?

You can either go back onto the venue's app and create a new quote, or you can contact the venue directly and they will assist you. There will also be lots of finer details that you can plan with the venue's coordinators that might not be covered in the app, so be sure to contact them if you are interested in more information.

My favourite venue isn't on Our-Venue.co.uk...

We feel your pain. After experiencing the ease and simplicity of using an Our-Venue.co.uk app, interacting with venues that don't have apps can be frustrating. Don't worry - it's our mission to keep adding more venues to the Our-Venue.co.uk collection every day. If you want to recommend a particular venue to Our-Venue.co.uk, send us a message and we'll contact them for you.